eSubmission Registration - Step 1

Please provide the following information:
Organisation Name
Please add details of the Marketing Authorisation Holder here.
You register once as a company and submit all future submissions under one ID.
Product (invented) name(s):
Please provide at least one.
Please list at least one centrally or nationally authorised
and one or more known products of the organisation.
The registration is done once per company
and not per product.
Person Authorised For Communication
on behalf of the Applicant:
Please add details here of the main contact
for the Marketing Authorisation Holder who
is responsible for Gateway submissions.

Communication about a submission will be
sent to this person so it is important that
these details are kept up to date.

If you are a consultancy registering on
behalf of a Marketing Authorisation Holder,
we only require registration for the consultancy
as you are able to send eSubmissions
on behalf of multiple companies.
Please re-enter the email address to make sure that it is the right one.
Organisation Address:
Contact Point For IT Matters:
This is the person we will contact
regarding technical issues with
submissions sent via the Gateway.
A general e-mail address
for the IT department
should be included here.
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